The loss of a loved can be made easier to bear if estate matters can be settled smoothly. Our award-winning Private Wealth team will help you settle the assets of the estate in a sensitive, expeditious manner — whether you seek to get a Grant of Probate, a Grant of Letters of Administration or a Resealed Grant from overseas.

As an executor appointed under a will, or an intended administrator where there is no will, you may have been requested to obtain a Grant before you are permitted to manage the assets of the estate (e.g. close bank accounts, transfer/sell HDB or private property or shares, collect insurance payouts etc). The Grant is a court order that appoints you to be lawfully authorised personal representative of the estate to manage the assets of the estate.

What is Grant of Probate

We help you by making the application to Family Court to obtain the Grant. For a dispute-free will, the uncontested Grant of Probate typically takes 3 to 4 months. We take care to guide you with the Schedule of Assets to ensure a smooth application. We can also help you to write to financial institutions to ascertain the value of the assets if the family do not possess such details of this.

What is Grant of Letters of Administration

Where there is no will the uncontested Grant of Letters of Administration takes typically 6 to 7 months. We will guide you through the process of preparing the Renunciations of next-of-kin who confirm their consent to waive their right to apply, as well as, other necessary matters as the Court directs you to do on a case by case basis. 

Where there is no written will, the law provides for classes of persons with priority to apply as executors of the estate as follows:

  1. Spouse
  2. Children
  3. Parents 

All members of the same “class” of next-of-kin have an equal right to apply, and if one or more wishes to apply, the others must renounce their right to apply and give their consent to the one(s) applying.

In the case where there is no will and there a beneficiaries under the age of 21, there is a Court requirement for Administrator and additionally a Co-administrator to apply to protect the interests of beneficiaries who are minors, his is not required if there is a will.

Resealing Foreign Grant of Probate or Grant of Letters of Administration 

If you have obtained the Grant overseas, we help you make an application to the High Court for a Resealed Grant so that the executor or administrator appointed by the overseas Court can now be lawfully appointed by the High Court to be able manage assets of the assets located in Singapore.

We will likewise guide you in Singapore Courts requirements of English translation of foreign Court and identity documents, as well as, the preparation of the Schedule of Assets.

For the convenience of our foreign clients, we will make necessary arrangements so that they need not visit Singapore.

Yuen Law LLC provides assistance on matters regarding probate and letters of administration. Do contact us to make an appointment. Please prepare the following documents as far as possible:

  1. Original death certificate;
  2. Original will, if any;
  3. Identity cards of executor/administrator and beneficiaries;
  4. Marriage certificates, birth certificates, and death certificate of next-of-kin;
  5. List of assets (and value as of date of death) in Singapore and overseas with supporting documents e.g. bank statement, insurance policy, share certificates etc;
  6. Foreign Grant for resealing, with certified true copies and English translations;
  7. Inheritance Certificate from Syariah Court for Muslims.

Yuen Law is ranked by The Straits Times as one of Singapore’s Best Law Firms in Inheritance and Succession Law, as well as Family Law.

The Family & Private Wealth Practice is led by veteran lawyer Lim Fung Peen.

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Lim Fung Peen

Head of Private Wealth & Family Practice

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