Divorce in Singapore

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Deciding to divorce is never easy, and the legal steps involved can feel overwhelming in addition to the emotional considerations. In Singapore, divorce affects approximately 7,000 couples a year, making it a reality for many couples. 

Divorce Rate in Singapore (Updated 2023)

Divorce statistics in Singapore in 2023
This infographic summarises marital trends and divorce statistics over the past five years, revealing that civil marriages last an average of 11.7 years, with around 7,000 divorces and annulments annually.

The divorce rate in Singapore has remained largely stable at about 7,000 a year, with a low of 6,959 in 2020 and peaking at 7,890 in 2021. 

The average duration of civil marriage increased to 11.7 years in 2023, up from 10.4 years in 2013 and 7.7 years in 2003.

This infographic explains the top reasons for divorce in Singapore, with 59.3% of women choosing unreasonable behaviour and 52.2% of men choosing living apart or separated for 3 years or more.
This infographic explains the top reasons for divorce in Singapore, with 59.3% of women citing unreasonable behaviour and 52.2% of men citing living apart or separated for 3 years or more.

According to the Singapore Department of Statistics, the majority of divorces in 2023 were filed by women. The top reason for divorce cited by women was “unreasonable behaviour”, accounting for 59.3% of cases in 2023. For men, the the top reason for divorce was having “lived apart or separated for three years or more,” accounting for 52.2% of cases 2023.

Marriages in their 5th to 10th anniversary had the highest rate of divorce, and highest in remarriages by divorcees. The second highest rate of divorce occurred where one partner was a divorcee. Couples who had married for the first time had the lowest dissolution rates. Divorce rates were also highest in couples whose educational levels were “secondary” and below, and lowest in couples with university qualifications.

What is Divorce?

There are two main types of divorce: contested, and uncontested.

Briefly, a contested divorce is one where parties are not able to agree on a divorce settlement, whilst an uncontested divorce is one where both parties have reached an agreement on all aspects of the divorce.

However, in both types of divorces, parties must prove an irretrievable breakdown of marriage.

What Constitutes an Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage?

To file for a divorce, couples must provide proof of the marriage’s irretrievable breakdown through any of the following grounds for divorce under the Women’s Charter:

Unreasonable Behavior

One spouse has behaved in such a way that the other spouse cannot reasonably be expected to live with them. This can include a wide range of claims against the defendant spouse, such as various forms of misconduct, such as abuse, addiction, or neglect.

Under this requirement for divorce, common allegations are:

  1. Physical or Emotional Violence
  2. Financial Irresponsibility, such as credit card debts and loans
  3. Anti-social Behavior such as smoking, compulsive gambling, drug addiction, promiscuous lifestyle, alcoholism, and workaholic behavior
  4. Personality disorders such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, and Schizoid Personality Disorder

One spouse has committed adultery and the other spouse finds it intolerable to live with them.

When a spouse has been caught “cheating”, it means that the spouse is/was having a relationship with a third party, which is “adulterous” from a moral or religious perspective. However, adultery in law means having sexual intercourse with a person who is not one’s spouse.

The challenge for many plaintiffs looking to use this as a grounds for divorce is they do not have clear evidence of adultery, unless the spouse readily admits to it. Even with a verbal confession, it can easily be denied later.

It is common for suspicious spouses to use a private investigator to conduct surveillance on the other spouse to gather proof of adultery, as the Court has given judgment for a plaintiff based on strong circumstantial evidence. However, the evidence obtained in the form of video recordings or photographs must be scrutinised property to see if it would be of value in court.

Evidence by way of various forms of communication (such as text messages, emails) or social media posts can also be used as circumstantial evidence to prove adultery.

One spouse has deserted the other for a continuous period of at least two years immediately before filing for divorce. Desertion must satisfy four requirements:

  1. The deserted spouse must not have consented to the separation.

  2. The deserting spouse must be capable of forming the intention to desert. For example, a wife who, as a result of mental illness, was under the impression that her husband was attempting to murder her and left, is incapable of forming the necessary intention to desert.

  3. There must be an absence of a reasonable cause for the separation to constitute desertion. The plaintiff (deserted spouse) should show that they have been living separately, and that the defendant (deserting spouse) has the intention to desert. This is usually shown by proving that the defendant spouse has no intention of returning.

  4. The spouse must form an intention to end the matrimonial union when he/she leaves. This intention need not necessarily be communicated.

The plaintiff has to satisfy the requirement that the spouses have lived separately continuously for a period of 3 years. To prove the defendant’s consent to the divorce, the Court also requires the following details:

  1. Date which the plaintiff and defendant commenced their separation
  2. Reasons for both parties’ intention to commence separation
  3. Duration of the separation
  4. Residential address of each party during the period of separation
  5. If the parties have been living in separate households under the same roof for the period of the separation (i.e., in different rooms), to give details on how the parties have been living in separate households.

If the plaintiff has the consent of the defendant, the divorce application can proceed on the basis of living separately for three years, provided there are sufficient details to satisfy the Court of what has been explained above.

An amicable and common way to show the Court evidence of the above is through a written deed of separation signed by both spouses.

Similar to Separation with Consent, the same 5 requirements must be fulfilled. However, for a Separation without Consent, the minimum period of separation must be 4 years and above.

The plaintiff also does not need to get the defendant spouse’s consent to proceed with the divorce.

This is a new fact of Divorce that was introduced on 1 July 2024, where both parties agree that the marriage has irretrievably broken down.

The main requirements are:

  • Both spouses agree with reasons for concluding that the marriage has irretrievably broken down;
  • That the spouses have made efforts to reconcile;
  • The considerations that have been given to post-divorce arrangements for their financial affairs and any children.

If all ancillary issues concerning asset division, custody, care and control, co-parenting arrangements, child maintenance, and spousal maintenance are agreed upon, then the uncontested divorce can proceed on a simplified track.

Read our full article, Divorce by Mutual Agreement to find out more about.

Requirements for Divorce

To file for a divorce in Singapore:

  1. Either spouse must be domiciled in Singapore or habitually resident in Singapore for at least 3 years before applying for the divorce.
  2. Parties must have been married for at least 3 years.
  3. A spouse may qualify to apply for divorce if he/she has suffered exceptional hardship or exceptionally unreasonable and cruel behavior.

Generally, Singapore citizens and Permanent Residents who have been married for at least 3 years would qualify. However, other Employment Pass (EP) or Work Pass holders who have been habitually resident in Singapore for at least three years will also qualify.

Preparing for Divorce

📝 Preparing for an Uncontested Divorce

An uncontested divorce is one where a divorcing couple has reached a divorce settlement on all aspects of the divorce before applying to the Court for their divorce court order, this is known as the simplified track. This allows divorcing couples to avoid a prolonged court process, saving considerably on time and legal fees. The settlement would include all ancillary matters such as the division of matrimonial assets, and any child care & control matters.

Some couples are able to reach a settlement quite easily as they may have adult children, or may not have any jointly owned matrimonial assets to divide. For such couples, it is possible for them to “DIY” their divorce by having one spouse prepare all the divorce court papers and the other to sign in agreement for filing in court, without the need for lawyers. However, it is also not uncommon for one spouse to appoint a lawyer to prepare the divorce papers for the other spouse to sign, so they do not need to attend court hearings – the appointed lawyer will do so for them.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the time frame for an uncontested divorce in Singapore?

Typically, simplified uncontested divorces take about six months to complete from the filing of the first set of divorce court papers up to the completion, where the divorce Final Judgment is issued.

In theory, if you are able to reach a settlement with your spouse on all matters and communicate effectively, it is not compulsory to appoint a lawyer to prepare and file the papers. Each party is entitled to represent themselves.

However, based on our experience, couples often have significant differences of opinion over various matters. In such cases, couples will need to seek advice from their own lawyer to guide them with advice and negotiations to help them reach a divorce settlement. It would be a conflict of interest for one lawyer to act for both parties in a divorce, so each spouse would need to engage their own lawyer to represent them in such cases.

Lawyers may not be needed for simple cases where a couple has no children and few/no matrimonial assets to divide, especially if parties are able to work things out themselves if they are able to communicate effectively.

However, in cases where parties may be unsure of their rights, unable to communicate and negotiate a settlement, or where a party requires guidance on issues concerning children, monthly maintenance or division of matrimonial assets, it would be prudent to seek professional legal advice from a family lawyer with appropriate expertise. Having professional advice and guidance would help in avoiding costly mistakes, smoothen the process and minimise stress.

It is one thing to wish to have an uncontested divorce and another to achieve it. Sadly, some divorces set out being uncontested, and end up contested as the parties did not seek suitable advice or obtain help to reach a settlement.

For couples with many issues to resolve and hope to reach a settlement but need legal advice and guidance in negotiations, appointing a family lawyer with suitable experience will help to smoothen the process. This is sometimes known as a collaborative divorce approach.

📝 Preparing for a Contested Divorce

When parties are unable to agree to a divorce settlement, the divorce is deemed contested, and proceeds on the normal track. This may be the case where both parties actively disagree on all or some matters in the divorce, or even when one party is silent and refuses to respond.

Where both parties actively disagree, each party has to prove their case. If the spouse applying for the divorce is met with no response from the other spouse, they will have to proceed to prove their case in the absence of the other spouse.

In either case, the role of the Court is to make a decision based on the Women’s Charter that is fair and equitable for the division of matrimonial assets, and where there are children involved, the decision must be in the best interest of the children.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the time frame for a contested divorce in Singapore?

The duration of a contested divorce can range greatly from one year to more than two years, and it is highly dependent on how parties conduct the case and the complexity of the matters, and whether there are appeals.

Much time will be spent on gathering evidence and witnesses and questioning the other party’s evidence and witnesses, preparing court documents, and the appointed lawyer attending a series of court hearings on the party’s behalf until the matter is concluded.

Without cooperation between the parties, every request may end up being made through a formal Court application, which adds to the time taken and legal fees.

Ancillary Matters in Divorce include, child custody, care and control, spousal maintenance, division of matrimonial assets

Ancillary Matters in Divorce

In a divorce, couples will also have to discuss all ancillary issues for post-divorce arrangements regarding children, spousal maintenance and the division of matrimonial assets. In our experience, couples may be able to agree that they should get a divorce fairly easily, but struggle in coming to an agreement on what is fair when it comes to ancillary matters.


If you are getting divorced and you have children, there are several things that you should take note of.

Child Custody, and Care & Control

It is common for individuals to confuse “custody” with “care and control”. This is understandable as custody has a specific legal meaning, and is not used in the ordinary sense of the word or as seen in TV shows.

Custody of a child refers to the authority to exercise parental responsibility in making decisions for the child in major areas such as education, religion, and medical matters. In a joint custody order, it is crystal clear that both parents have parental responsibility over such important matters.

Care and control, and access orders relate largely to the practical day-to-day care and living arrangements for the children. Care and control responsibilities are given to the parent who the child or children of the marriage will live with after the divorce. They will have the day-to-day responsibilities of caring for them, including overseeing the child’s schooling needs, transport arrangements, daily routines, meals, and rest times.

In the case of young children, care and control is traditionally awarded solely to mothers due to the reasoning that it is generally in the welfare of the child to live with their mothers. Fathers who seek sole care and control of their child must be able to show how this would be best for the child, or obtain the mother’s consent. While there are fewer such cases, it is not impossible. You can read our article on Care and Control for Fathers.

Access is the term used in a Court order to allow access of the child to the parent who is not granted care and control. It is described in terms of time spent with the child and is usually worded in terms of reasonable access. This is done purposefully so that the nature of the access order is general and flexible, allowing parents to work out what is best for the children and most practical.

This is especially so when the access order is made while the child is in preschool and will eventually go to primary school, where routines will change.

We have observed cases where a parent may wish to set out a timetable to secure a fixed amount of time with the child during the access period. This could include having access during special occasions after the divorce, such as birthdays, Chinese New Year reunion dinners, public holidays, school holidays, and religious occasions. For some parents, they may also wish to have an access order that allows them to have the child accompany them for an overseas trip to the parent’s home country. These access terms must be agreed upon by both parties—otherwise, they will be contested and have to be heard by a district judge at the ancillary matters hearing.

In certain circumstances, the Courts may also grant supervised access orders to protect the child from potential physical or emotional abuse. Such orders may be made to assess the relationship between the child and the parent who was not granted custody. In cases where the parent may not have a close relationship with the child or needs counselling support to improve their relationship, the Court may also order supervised access if it would protect the child and facilitate the improvement of the relationship.

When speaking of financial support for a child or spouse, the term “alimony” is often used, but this is a term used in the USA. In Singapore and most Commonwealth countries, the correct term is child or spousal maintenance.

Typically, a child’s maintenance is to be paid until the child turns 21 and is usually paid on a monthly basis. The disputes that often arise are the share each parent should pay, what the maintenance should cover, and what is a reasonable amount. The law defines a child as a child of marriage under the age of 21—meaning any order for custody or maintenance will automatically cease to apply after the child reaches that age.

However, there are exceptions where the Court has ordered maintenance extending beyond the age of 21. This is not uncommon where the child is male and serves National Service for 2 years, and then continues with tertiary university studies.

The Court also has the power to grant maintenance if there is proof that a parent has neglected or refused to provide reasonable maintenance for the child who is unable to maintain himself or herself, and order that parent to pay a monthly allowance or a lump sum for the maintenance of that child. The Court has wide powers to order a parent to pay child maintenance at any stage during matrimonial proceedings (such as before a divorce), or during or after the grant of divorce, judicial separation, or nullity of marriage.

Spousal Maintenance

A wife has the right to apply for wife’s maintenance before marriage or in divorce proceedings, which will only be payable until she remarries. Factors that affect the amount would be:

  • Duration of the marriage
  • Financial status of both the wife and the husband
  • Standard of living enjoyed by both during the marriage
  • Ages of the parties

Traditionally, the law in Singapore only required husband’s to pay the wife’s/ex-wife’s maintenance. This was changed in 2016, allowing a husband/ex-husband, to apply for maintenance as well if he is incapacitated by a physical or mental disability before or during the course of marriage, unable to earn a living as a result of the disability, and hence unable to support himself.

Similar to child maintenance, the Court has the power to order a husband to pay maintenance to his former wife, or order a woman to pay maintenance to her incapacitated former husband during any matrimonial proceedings. The Court has the discretion in ordering spousal maintenance to be paid either in a lump sum, or in periodic payments depending on the circumstances.

Typically, a lump sum payment is preferred as it upholds the clean break principle if the paying spouse can afford to, or if the division of matrimonial assets allows for. Monthly payment is often ordered as a matter of practicality.

Matrimonial Assets Distribution

In our experience, this aspect is the most hotly contested part of most divorces, next to children’s issues. Many inquiries actually begin with this instead of what to rely on to prove the irretrievable breakdown of marriage.

As with maintenance orders, the Court has the power to make orders for the division of matrimonial assets when granting, or after the grant of a judgment of divorce, judicial separation, or nullity of marriage, as the Court thinks is fair.

Matrimonial assets are any assets defined under the law as:

  • Any assets acquired before the marriage by one party or both parties to the marriage
  • Ordinarily used or enjoyed by both parties or one or more of their children while the parties are residing together for shelter/transportation or for household, education, recreational, social or aesthetic purposes
  • Substantially improved during the marriage by the other party or by both parties to the marriage
  • Any other asset of any nature acquired during the marriage by one or both parties to the marriage, but does not include any asset that has been acquired by one party at any time by gift or inheritance that has not been substantially improved during the marriage

This means that assets like a business or HDB flat that one spouse owned before marriage could be a matrimonial asset if the other spouse contributed to it, or was enjoyed by both and their children during the marriage. Other assets commonly deemed as matrimonial assets are the matrimonial home, CPF funds, bank account money, shares, insurance policies, investments, and businesses.

The Court will consider several factors in making an order for the division of matrimonial assets, including:

  • Contributions made by each party in money, property, or work towards acquiring, improving, or maintaining the matrimonial assets
  • Any debt owing by any party for their joint benefit, or the benefit of any child of marriage
  • The needs of the children
  • Contributions made by each party to the family, including indirect contributions and financial/non-financial contributions
  • Prenuptial or postnuptial agreements entered into between the spouses

Legal Costs of Divorce Proceedings

The costs of divorce proceedings can be handled in several ways. They may be borne entirely by one party, shared between both parties, or each party may be responsible for their own costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if my spouse is hiding assets?

For the court process to work, parties have a legal duty to the Court to provide full and frank disclosure of all assets that they have. If a party has evidence that the spouse has not made full disclosure, they may seek the help of the Court to ask questions about the hidden assets and ask for evidence to be produced in Court regarding those assets through discovery and interrogatories.

For example, in a case where a husband hid $4 million worth of assets, the wife was able to produce evidence of bank statements to prove it. Thus, the Court decided that the wife should be entitled to a proportion of those hidden assets, and also ordered the husband to receive a lower proportion of the known assets.

Divorce Process in Singapore

Broadly speaking, there are two stages to the divorce process, which we break down to (i) Interim Judgment, and (ii) Final Judgment. This is the same for both uncontested and contested divorces.

How Long Does Divorce Take in Singapore (Simplified Track) Infographic
This infographic explains the time taken for an uncontested divorce in Singapore under the simplified track, from the filing of the writ of divorce, to interim judgement (i.e. dissolution of marriage), to the final judgment (i.e. ancillary matters).
How Long Does Divorce Take in Singapore (Normal Track) Infographic
This infographic explains the time taken for an uncontested divorce in Singapore under the simplified track, from the filing of the writ of divorce, to interim judgement (i.e. dissolution of marriage), to the final judgment (i.e. ancillary matters).

Stage 1: Interim Judgment

In the first stage of divorce, the following must be filed to start the divorce proceedings:

  • Statement of Claim: This document outlines the specific facts that the applicant is relying on to request the Court grant a divorce.
  • Statement of Particulars: This document provides a detailed account of the facts mentioned in the Statement of Claim.
  • Proposed Parenting Plan: Required if there are children under 21 years old. An Agreed Parenting Plan is submitted only if both parties have reached an agreement on the care arrangements for the children after the divorce.
  • Proposed Matrimonial Property Plan: Necessary when there is a Housing and Development Board (HDB) flat to be divided between the parties. If the couple agrees on what will happen to the HDB, they are to file an Agreed Matrimonial Plan.
  • Respondent’s Consent to the Originating Application: If the respondent agrees to the divorce and terms he or she must complete and sign this document before a Commissioner for Oath.

Once the Writ of Divorce is served on the other spouse, the respondent will have 8 days to file a intention to contest or not contest (previously known as the memorandum of appearance). If the respondent contest the claim, he or she has 14 days to file a defence and counterclaim (if any).

The Court will grant an Interim Judgment of divorce (“IJ”) if it is satisfied that the marriage has irretrievably broken down.

The divorce IJ makes an order for the marriage to be dissolved, but it does not deal with the ancillary matters, which include children, maintenance, and the division of matrimonial assets.

If the parties agree on the ancillary matters, the Court may record the agreement as a consent order. In this case, parties will need to ensure that they follow the terms of the consent order, which may include selling the HDB flat and ensuring that maintenance is paid as agreed.

In uncontested cases, parties can proceed to extract the final judgment three months after the interim judgment is issued, finalising the divorce.

Stage 2: Final Judgment

If the parties are unable to settle the ancillary matters after private negotiations or court mediation, they are required to proceed to the second stage of the divorce procedure for the court to make orders concerning all ancillary matters.

Ancillary matters include children’s matters (including custody, care and control, access, maintenance), spousal maintenance, and division of matrimonial assets.

After the IJ has been granted in a divorce case, the Court will require the parties or their appointed lawyers to attend ancillary matters case conferences or pre-trial conferences, where it will set out deadlines for submission of the ancillary affidavit also known as the Affidavit of Asset and Means.

  • Payslips or similar documents to show evidence of your income for the past 6 months.
  • Your current employment contract OR similar evidence showing the current terms of your employment.
  • Tax assessment notices or similar documents for the past 3 years.
  • Updated ACRA search results or similar documents to show ownership of your businesses.
  • Current tenancy agreement or similar evidence showing the rental you receive.
  • Updated search results on your bankruptcy status from the Ministry of Law’s Insolvency Office.
  • Documents to prove your monthly expenses.
  • Documents to prove the child(ren)’s monthly expenses.
  • Evidence that you have supported your dependents.
  • Current maintenance order(s).
  • Your medical report OR evidence of your incapacity to work.
  • Updated mortgage statement showing the outstanding mortgage loan.
  • Updated valuation report or transaction history to show the value of the property.
  • Updated bank account statements for the past 3 months.
  • Updated CPF statement showing the balance in each account.
  • Updated CPF investment account statements from the banks / investment companies.
  • Updated statement showing the balance in the pension funds (excluding CPF).
  • Terms and conditions of the pension scheme OR similar evidence to show how the scheme works (excluding CPF).
  • Updated Central Depository Pte Ltd statements OR similar evidence to show the balance and details of your investments.
  • Updated ACRA search results OR similar evidence to show your shareholdings.
  • Evidence of the value of your investments or shares.
  • Insurance policy documents OR similar evidence to show the surrender values and beneficiaries of your insurance policies.
  • Evidence of your insurance premiums and the payment mode. 
  • Evidence of vehicle ownership. 
  • Updated hire purchase statement. 
  • For other valuables (antiques, artwork, fine jewellery, fine wine, branded goods, club memberships etc.) in Singapore or overseas: valuation report OR similar documents to show value of items. 
  • Evidence of the debts owed to you. 
  • Updated statements OR similar documents to show the outstanding balance of the debt. 
  • Evidence to show why the debt was incurred. 
  • Evidence to show why some assets are not matrimonial assets. 
  • Updated CPF housing withdrawal statement OR similar evidence to show use of CPF monies for the assets. 
  • Evidence of other payments made for the purchase of the assets.

If one spouse needs additional documents from the other spouse to address ancillary matters, they can file and serve a Summons for Disclosure.

Once all issues are resolved, the Court will schedule a hearing for the ancillary matters, during which the parties or their lawyers will present both written and oral submissions. The Court will then make a decision on the outstanding issues, finalizing the divorce process.

Strategic Divorce Solutions with Expert Guidance

At Yuen Law, our team of divorce lawyers, led by Lim Fung Peen, head of our Private Wealth and Family Practice with over 25 years of experience, provides strategic solutions for divorces and post-divorce matters, including flat ownership transfers, sales, and will updates. We are dedicated to guiding our clients through this emotional journey with expert advice and tailored strategies to achieve the best possible outcomes for them.

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Cheryl Mok 
Senior Manager Business Development

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